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Rock Master KO Boulder Contest e Duello Lead animeranno la giornata al Climbing Stadium di Arco

C’è un unico evento al mondo che da oltre tre decenni vede confrontarsi i migliori climbers del mondo in un mix di grande sport e spettacolo: il RockMaster di Arco.
Tutti i grandi campioni hanno alzato al cielo il prestigioso trofeo applauditi dal grande pubblico che immancabile affolla il prato ai piedi della grande parete a strapiombo, diventata un’icona del climbing mondiale.

There’s only one event in the world where, since more than thirty years, the best climbers of the world challenge one another, in a mix of great sport and show: Arco’s Rock Master.

All the great champions did lift this precious trophy to the sky, while the applauding audience stands there, every year, filling the meadow beneath the steep side. This wall, overtime, has become an icon within the world of climbing.

RockMaster, year by year, has learnt how to renew itself, always proposing spectacular combinations. In the last few years it has been calling for two main events: Ko Boulder Contest and the RockMaster Duel, both of which are reserved to a strict number of top climbers.